Mark Bates Sensei

Mark Bates Sensei is a qualified Shotokan karate practitioner and 4th Dan instructor with certification from the most reputable and established karate organisation of Budo karate, the Japan Karate Association, Japan Tokyo. His association with various martial arts expands from over 30 years.

Mark has participated in training and preparing students of all ages representing Australia in JKA World Championship and in national competitions. Mark Sensei’s students have represented Australia in the 2019 JKA Oceania Championships in Thailand and in 2017 represented Australia in the JKA World Championships. Encouragement and support are key to Mark Sensei’s success and this is evident upon visiting his dojo and observing classes.

Mark Bates Sensei was assessed, accredited and awarded JKA qualifications from Australia’s most experienced, respected and most qualified instructor in Australia, internationally and in Japan, Nishimura Shihan, 7th Dan.

Mark Bates Sensei has a friendly, patient and approachable demeanour, especially with children of all ages. The enthusiasm expressed by his students is a credit to Mark’s ability to convey information in a simple enjoyable format where the lesson’s intention, aim or objective is easily comprehended. His lessons are well devised with ongoing practical explanations provided for each lesson catering for children to adults.

His philosophy is building character, guiding and demonstrating all the key elements of the dojo Kun. He believes karate is a way of life and all lessons are aimed at adding value to each students life journey of exploring, ongoing learning and developing as individuals.

All new members are welcome and encouraged to participate in 2 free classes by training in a nurturing, peaceful and respectable environment, enhancing the learning process and enjoying traditional Shotokan ‘Budo’ karate.

    Karate Side Kick

About JKA Australia Inc

Shotokan Karate
JKA Australia South Inc. was incorporated on 27th October 2010 and on 19th, January 2012 was renamed Japan Karate Association (JKA) Australia Inc. JKAA teaches traditional Shotokan style karate. Shotokan karate is a non aggressive self defence martial art. Our instructors are certified by JKA HQ. The purpose of JKAA is to develop and promote JKA Shotokan karate in Australia. The standards taught are of the highest level in keeping with the technical requirements set by JKA HQ.

Our goal is to maintain these standards, to grow and to help all our students achieve their personal goals and aspirations.

Karate helps develop strength, coordination and agility and can be practiced at any time and in any place, for any length of time by men, women and children. It requires no special equipment. Karate fosters the development of spiritual qualities: courage, courtesy, integrity, humility and self control.

Images from my
Because I'm a professional photographer It's rare I ever end up in photos, but here is a few I have managed to find.Training with the JKAA in 2014 - Mawashi GeriTraining drills with the JKAA at Preston Dojo. I'm on the right.Karate Tournament FightingA Rare tournament photo, as it is me normally behind the camera
Karate Family 
I was not born with my black belts, like many of you I was once a colored (kyu) belt.  This picture goes back a few too many years when i was a brown belt, this was taken after a hard training session.  I'm standing with my son Aidan and daughter Paige who are
now adultsgrading belts 
Very rare photo of me (because I'm usually the one taking the photos) as a 4th Kyu blue belt (JKA Purple belt) receiving my brown belt 3rd Kyu.
1st Dan Presentation
Sensei Michael after presenting my 1st Dan (Shodan) black belt.
Black belt certificate 
Myself and Daniel at our 2nd Dan with Catlin 1st Dan
 after our presentation holding our certificates.Karte groupOriginal group of black belts I training with over the years at Power of Won, not many of us left training now.